It’s 10am Monday morning. Tim is sitting at his desk looking out the window at all the cars in the showroom.

It’s a beautiful morning with blue skies. But Tim is unhappy.

“Why am I not getting anyone looking at my cars?”.

This is a good question to ask. He knows everything about his cars. He’s dealt with all kinds of customers in the past. He knows he can get into great conversations with prospects once they enter the shop.

He then realises what he was doing wrong. His skills are with his cars. It’s what he lives and breaths. He had the ability to listen to his prospects and find out exactly what they needed. The problem was getting a prospect to visit the car shop.

Tim contacts a Marketing Consultant to write out a direct mail letter to his targeted audience.

Below is an example of that direct mail letter.

Find Your Next Dream car!

Do you remember your first car?
How did it feel to own one?
Did you feel special?
How many cars have you had since then?

For many people a car is just a vehicle that takes them from destination A to destination B.

But for some people like me, it was our first love.

There are so many memories made in a car. It’s a place friends and family commune together, sometimes for hours.
It’s also a place you would spend a lot of alone time. It’s sometimes the best place to get a peace of mind.

When a car is no longer working as it once did. It’s time to move on to the next love.

I understand how this feels. It is a serious decision. It is the reason why I became an expert in cars. Finding a new car is almost like finding a soul mate.

With so many designs, features and functionalities, it can get very confusing. This is where I can help you make the right decision. It doesn’t matter your requirement. I can guarantee I can help.

Choosing the right car is very special decision. It’s not just an object with wheels, it’s our sanctuary. It’s where you get your best thoughts and most memorable experiences.
At one point, it’s also a place you must have made very important life decisions.

I want you to continue making those priceless moments into special memories.

It’s the reason why I only sell quality cars with a wide requirement.

Whatever the moment let me know I can help:

If it is a car that is spacious enough to takes the kids to school everyday.
If you need a fast stylish car that looks glamorous on the road but purrs like a cat with it’s engine on.

Come and talk to me. I have been selling cars for 10 years. I will find your next love.

Yours Faithfully


PS: Let me help you find your dream car!

So there you have it. The above letter would be sent to Tim’s mailing list via email or post. Its not an ad or a promotional letter, its a personal letter. Its a letter from Tim who really love cars to other people who have the same passion. The letter is relatable by asking the reader questions about certain events important to them when a car was also involved.  Feel free to use a letter like on business.

To Your Success

Ali Khan

Ali Khan